

This tag is associated with 3 posts

Why no one should tell mothers to stop stressing

There’s one piece of so-called ‘advice’ I’ve been given – and seen given to other mothers – from early in my pregnancy onwards. The unsolicited advice goes along the lines of: ‘Stop stressing, otherwise it’s going to affect your baby’. I believe this to be probably the single most patronising, counter-productive, and downright offensive thing modern … Continue reading

Why is it so hard to find baby products that bloody well work?

Following on from my belief that mothers are treated like (really thick) schoolgirls, I’m feeling cross about a fundamental problem with baby products. Which is that there are (a) loads and loads of expensive, useless, badly designed gadgets thrust in your face all the time; and (b) very few really practical, well-designed things that do what they are … Continue reading

A look of disgust

I’m loving Thursday mornings. We start with rhyme time at the local library, and then head on to the NCT meet-up at the cafe on the high street, for mothers with babies under a year old. All of us who go to this are naturally completely engrossed in our own little world. It goes like … Continue reading
